A Documentary History of the 1832 Democratic Party Convention in Baltimore

This is a collection of documents detailing the events of the Democratic Party Convention in May, 1832 with an emphasis on the participation of Judge Augustin Smith Clayton.  

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Articles extracted from newspapers held at American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, on seed-fund for research from Georgia Gwinnett College.

1832 March 6 Athenian (Athens, Georgia), p3 – From the Washington News – Wilkes County meeting nominates slate to represent GA in VP convention in Baltimore, includes Clayton

1832 April 3 Southern Banner (Athens, Georgia), p2 – Meeting in Watkinsville – Clarke County partisans nominate slate including Clayton for nominating VP at Baltimore Convention

1832 May 19 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser, p2 – The Convention – mentions delegates starting to arrive and where they lodged

1832 May 19 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser, p2 – Lodgings – requests boarding houses to register vacancies so delegates may find lodging

1832 May 21 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser, p2 – The Convention – mentions delegates and where they lodged

1832 May 22 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser, p2 – General Convention – Summarizes opening business of convention

1832 May 23 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser, p2 – General Convention – Summarizes business of convention of previous day

1832 May 23 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser, p2 – The Convention – describes type of people participating

1832 May 23 Alexandria Gazette (VA) p2 – Baltimore Jackson Convention

1832 May 24 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser p2 – General Convention – Tally by state of Convention Votes for VP

1832 May 24 Baltimore Republican and Commercial Advertiser p2 – General Convention – minutes of convention’s last day

1832 May 24 Alexandria Gazette (VA) p3 – Baltimore Jackson Convention

1832 May 25 Alexandria Gazette (VA) p3 – Baltimore Jackson Convention

1832 May 25 Evening Post (NY) p 2 General Convention

1832 May 25 Richmond Enquirer (VA) p2 – General Convention

1832 May 25 Richmond Enquirer (VA) p3 – Baltimore Convention

1832 May 26 National Gazette (Philadelphia) p1 Proceedings Baltimore Convention

1832 May 29 Richmond Enquirer (VA) p2 – General Convention

1832 May 29 Richmond Enquirer (VA) p2 – Baltimore Convention

1832 June 1 Spectator (NY) p1 – Baltimore Convention

1832 June 2 Macon Telegraph p3 reports Clayton appointed 4th VP at Jackson Convention in Baltimore

1832 June 5 Southern Banner (Athens, Georgia), p2 – Baltimore Convention – refers readers to proceedings of Baltimore Convention that nominated Van Buren VP

1832 June 5 Southern Banner (Athens, Georgia), pp2-3 – Vice Presidential Convention – Proceedings include Clayton as 4th Vice President of convention

1832 June 5 Albany Argus p1 – Facts and Inference – NY Standard reports Clayton rewarded with VP role at Baltimore Convention due to his BUS investigation

1832 June 5 Albany Argus p2 – Delegates to the General Convention – only copied delegates from SC, GA, AL and MS

1832 June 8 Albany Argus p2 – Signs [from NY Standard] – explains rewards given those who attacked BUS or defended Van Buren were rewarded, includes Clayton first

1832 June 9 Macon Telegraph p3 – Baltimore Convention – comments negatively about Van Buren as VP choice for Southerners

1832 August 30 Georgia Journal (Milledgeville GA) Clayton as officer of Baltimore Convention signs letter offering VP to Van Buren

1832 Summary of the Proceedings of A Convention of Republican Delegates from the several states in the Union, for the Purpose of Nominating a Candidate for the Office of VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES; held at Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, May 1832. Courtesy of Google Books. Adobe Acrobat file.

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